Friday, April 30, 2010

And We Have a Winner!

I'm pleased to announce that Plays Well With Colors is up and running and open for business. Please stop in and check out my grand opening month specials that will run the entire month of May.

My dear sweet and loyal companion Kinsey (isn't she CUTE!) Helped me to pick a winner from the Name That Colorway contest. I wrote out all of the entries on slips of paper, balled them up and tossed them on the floor in front of her and the first one she touched was declared the winner! Thanks to all of you who entered, I'll be contacting you shortly with the discount code that you will be able to use in either of my etsy shops for the next 12 months!

The winner of 4 luscious ounces (115 grams) of beautiful hand dyed Falkland roving isssssssss..


Yay!! Ruth!! I'll be sending out your Sweetgrass Roving to you in a few days!

In the meantime, I've been working all day and need to get some housework done. So I'm off to tend to that. My next post will be from or just after Maryland Sheep and Wool! I'm so excited to be going this year!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Holy FIBERISTA Batman!

I am absolutely loving the video casts that Heather of Highland Handmades is doing on her blog The Fiberista Files. I am all for supporting other Indie dyers and artisans who are working daily to do the same things that I'm working on. Together we can make the world a soft, fluffy, more colorful place to be! Please take a few minutes to check her out!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So, I'm adding a second Etsy shop that will specialize in just yarn and fiber related goods. I have a bunch of goodies all ready to list on this Friday or Saturday for the Big Grand Opening of Plays Well With Colors. I need some assistance with naming some of my newly dyed roving. So here is what I propose for a little contest for my spinning friends. Let's play a game of Name That Colorway! All that you need to do to enter is leave me a comment with your contact info and let me know what picture you are naming, and give me your best name for that particular colorway. All of the entries will go into a hat, and the person I pick will win that braid of roving! Everyone who enters will receive a very special discount code that will be good for any purchase from either of my etsy shops for one whole year! So what do you have to lose?? I can't wait to see your colorway names! Be creative, and slightly off center (as I like those attributes in a person).


