Ok, let's just pick any starting off point and jump into my life as of late.
1. New Hair, new style, new me for a new year. (as my B-day was 9/7 and I got the most rockin french press any coffee junkie could ever ask for). I decided to go back to my natural hair color while I still can, before all of the grey alien hairs grow in. And go back to short, because I really, truly HATE the feeling of hair on my face.
2. Change in moving plans! I know, I know, enough with the Ohh I'm gonna move and not already. But my main motivation for needing to move this year was because of issues with my dog and my apartment complex. They seem to think my 50 lb lab o love, is too big for their newly imposed 25 lb pet weight limit. On this, I have a few things to say, first, my dog makes far less noise than some of the asshole kids in my complex. More specifically the asshole kids that hath spawned from the assholes who live upstairs from me.. ah hem.. and secondly (or A, B #1 if you will) little dogs are WAY yappier than my Kinsey cakes is, so they can suck it! With that being said, I've discussed said situation with the complex owner and I'm so grandfathered into my lease, my great grand kids (should I have had offspring of my own) dogs dog could live in my apartment. So no need to sacrafice anything in a move. I am however still up to my earlobes trying to reorganize and PURGE all of the crap out of my life.
3. Sadly on 9/9 The Boy's Dad lost his long battle with cancer. HIs presence will be greatly missed by all. The Boy and his family are all doing pretty well considering. His Dad was sick for a long time, and he is now at peace and no longer suffering.
4. I've at the prompting of Lala joined
paperbackswap and have already revieved and read several great books. I would highly recomend the site for anyone who is a big reader. If you join, please let them know Andrea9772 sent you!
5. It's time, the countdown has begun.. holiday crafty time. I'm presently working on little knitted something or other (that I'm BURSTING at the seams to show off but can't because it's a gift) for Lala. Also working on
Liesl for myself in Knitpicks Wool of the Andes in Hollyberry. This will be the first sweater I'm knitting, and so far so good. I've also decided on my other knitted holiday gift for the girls at work. It's going to be the same thing for each of them just in different colors. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, though by the end of it, I'll never ever want to knit that pattern again.. probably. Dad is getting his quilt (finally). I'm still undecided as to what the Boy his Mom and Pea Dub are getting.
6. I've mastered a recipie for Chicken Mahkani :) This is FABULOUS!
7. Oh yeah! Happy Mabon to ya! That's the autumnal equinox for all of ya non Pagan's out there!
Ok, so I suppose I've futzed around long enough today, I suppose I should get back to work!! Till next time!