Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Today is the first day after Labor Day (Also the day after Clytie's B-day, and I didn't call her...opps, will do today). In this part of my world, this is the day that NJ kiddo's go back to school. I haven't heard the glorious sounds of the school buses going by taking all the little hooligans in my complex back to school, but I could have slept through that, or spoke too soon.

I always had a love/hate relationship with the first day of school. I loved it because I loved all the shopping for new school supplies (still doooo, I get giddy at the mere thought of all the new notebooks, pens and pencils, oh my!) I hated it because my birthday was always the first week of going back to school, so happy B-day to me, look school. Makes me think it was more a gift to my parents to get me out of the house already :o)

Now at days before 35, I'll be going back to school again (my classes start 9/10 and 9/17) and I'm a wee bit nervous, but I don't think it's all really hit me yet. Since most of my class work is going to be online, I'll really have to work on my discipline. But I'm aware of my weaknesses in that area, and I'm sure everything will work out fine.

Craig has already started his worry wort ways about the move. He's never lived with anyone and is worried that after the fact we won't get along, and I'll leave. After 5 years with him, I know that he's not the one I can live with but don't want to live without. I keep assuring him that everything will be fine. I'm thinking about moving things up a little so he has less time to freak out about it. I just called and told him that for the next few weeks, we're going to break tradition, instead of him coming over here all the time, I'll go over there on Saturdays, and as the move gets closer, I'll start spending weekends over there so it won't be such a shock to him having his space invaded and all. Not to mention I'll be able to really plan out where I want everything in my craft room, and start moving things over.

I was a lil crafty this past weekend, I started work knitting my shall, and managed to get about 800 miles of fabric ironed and cut for this window seat, and got 1 of 4 pillows made.. not great, but it's a start. I'm off to work!

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