I'm so terribly excited, I've been talking about painting my apartment for years. Today I finally did it. Well, Craig and I did it (painted that is, he also managed to paint a smiley face on Kinsey's head when I wasn't looking, brat...). I still have 2 hallways, one living room wall, the dining room/kitchen, and bathroom to do. Over the next couple of weeks we'll finish the rest of the apartment. I'm so happy already though. For the first time since I've been here, my home feels "homey" YAY!! Pics will be coming soon! I've taken a few days off (today, and Tuesday) it's so nice to get a little break from work. I have a thousand and 8 things to get done in this little break however, so I'm looking forward to taking another nice long weekend in the next couple of months to just enjoy. Tomorrow is going to be devoted to touching up some paint spots in the bedroom and doing massive amounts of Algebra and English homework
On a sad note, my Aunt Mildred passed away this past Sunday 10/21. :o(
On a cool note, I found out from Dad that my spidey senses are apparently a family trait :o)
More to come soon....
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I Procrastinate, Therefore I Am.
Sunday morning, I find myself propped up in front of my computer; with a huge mug of coffee, my loyal morning companion. There is a skinny feral cat that's just come to sit on my patio, so I brought her out some food and water, and she skittered off back into the yard. I don't generally feed the cats outside of my apartment, not because I don't care about them, but because there are so many of them, I know for a fact that many people come along and feed them, and they tend to pee on your patio things when you do. But this poor thing looks so skinny and sad, I hope she comes to eat soon. Anyway, back to my Sunday morning. I've had 2 weeks to write an essay for English Comp on a reading based topic, do you think I've even started it before now??? Nooooo, meanwhile, it's due before 11 am tomorrow. I've also not even cracked my algebra book open this week. So today will be homework day, all because I'm a slacker, procrastinator extraordionare! Ask my about my monster sewing project, is it done.. uhmm Noooo. Have I worked on my Happy Fall Ya'll Shawl this week, Nooooo. I have learned however that knitting my first pair of socks on double pointed tiny knitting needles is going to require mucho practice on my part before the whole thing feels comfortable. So I guess all is not lost for the week :o) Well, I'm going to hop in the shower, try and wake myself up a little more, and get to work on this essay... then again, maybe I'll wait a little longer.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
That's what I woke up to at 6 am, after about ohhh 4 hours of not so great sleep. Some little yappy dogs were out front barking at each other, so of course Kinsey had to chip in. Far be it for her to not let her doggy presence be known to everyone in the building. At least my early rising allowed me to get my Algebra exam completed. Now I'm off to the shower to get ready for work, despite the fact that my body and brain are protesting. They would be more than happy to just go back to bed and say a big screw it to going to work today.
Monday, October 8, 2007
I'm in Love

With a woman no less... I know, but Andrea, you're not a lesbian, yes, I know this. But I absolutely adore Laurie Perry aka Crazy Aunt Purl. Like seriously, if I was a boy, I'd marry her. Her blog kept me giggling through an otherwise boring weekend. And got me into the knitting groove again. See my Happy Fall Ya'll Shawl I'm expecting to get done in 2010, cause I'm slow like that. She simply rocks! So I thought what better than a public display of affection to share the joy of the new love in my life :o)
Now onto the old love in my life, Craig... things are slowly getting better, though there's still the confusion of where this is all going after 5 years (Other than we're not moving in together) but no I'm not bitter (as my ovaries harden into walnuts), not bitter at all. All I can really say is we shall see where this wacky world takes us.
School is quite laughable. I almost can't believe that I'm paying for the classes I'm in, but they'll take me where I need to go for my Opticians license so I suppose I've just gotta suck it up (and worry about how I'm going to pay for the rest of it).
Kinsey is stomping her doggy feet and grumbling for me to come play with her so I suppose I should, before she steals more nasty bits from the trash and chomps on them in the middle of my bed. But I just wanted to share some pictures first.
Cheekuns and Other pics are from Lala's visit last month :o) Love ya Lala!

Friday, October 5, 2007
Lazy, Hazy Days of October?
I'm having a very difficult time believing it's October 5th. I'm sitting here in my little apartment, looking out the back door into the gray, foggy, warm and humid back yard. The leaves that have begun to slowly turn color, are covered with a thin film of dew. The air is what can best be described as soupy. I am not an overly happy camper. You see, I absolutely adore fall, every single little thing about fall makes me happy. I love the cool, crisp air, the scent of the first fires built in fire places on cool dark nights, the oh so pretty fall foliage. I still enjoy the rustling sound of kicking through a big pile of fallen leaves. Sweaters... ohhh how I adore sweaters! Not only do they keep you cozy and warm, but they help to hide a multitude of sins. I also feel more connected to my beliefs in the fall for some reason. Perhaps because there is nothing quite like the vibrant beauty of a fall sunset, where an amazing array of pinks, blues, purples, oranges and yellows fill the sky just before the sun sets. A simply amazing gift from Mother Nature.
Yet here I sit with my air conditioner on, because it's supposed to go up to 86 degrees today :o( I actually feel guilty about having it running so late in the year. Uhhhg, I'm tired of the heat already, come on fall!!!!!
Yet here I sit with my air conditioner on, because it's supposed to go up to 86 degrees today :o( I actually feel guilty about having it running so late in the year. Uhhhg, I'm tired of the heat already, come on fall!!!!!
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