Saturday, January 17, 2009

In Other News

I'm astounded by how quickly this month (and new year) is flying by. I truly can't believe that January is more than halfway through. I've been quite busy at work, I'm in the process of interviewing potential new staff, and I'm really not enjoying the process. I just don't like interviewing people. I suppose it goes back to remembering how it feels to be the interviewee (though it's been a very long time since I've been in that position).

I've also been a little nutso worrying about my Dad. The great news is that after what was in fact a quintuple bypass, he's back at home and feeling better than he had been in a long time. Of course he's a bit sore and feeling beat up, but all in all he's doing exceptionally well.

When not working, I've been knitting and crocheting a little bit.

Here's a little rolled brim hat that's in the works. A happy and sooo simple it's genius little pattern from this girl :o)

I also made the leap to participate in Project 365 on Flickr. This project doesn't solely focus on self portraits so I think it's going to be a bit easier to capture a year in the life of little ole me.

I did a little shopping and bought myself one of these snazzy numbers Epson Workforce 600 I'm hoping it will be a wise business investment.

Otherwise I'm still working on the reorganizing, simplifying, decluttering of my life and home. I'm really feeling blocked by all the crap I just have laying about that I really have no need or want for anymore. One thing and one day at a time.

Ohhh I almost forgot. Tomorrow, I'm heading up to Central NJ to hang with The Boy and go ICE FISHING!!! I'm actually pretty excited about trying it for the first time. After a day of fishing, I'm going to be trying something else for the first time. Turducken prepared by my Sweetheart. I'm funny with eating meat, so I think I'm more worried about that than I am about the fishing.

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