I went to WW this morning, and was happy to learn that my first week back on the program has paid off, I lost a whopping 5.4 pounds this past week. I was so excited about that, and knowing how much my working out has helped me to have that loss, that I jaunted off and bought myself a pair of roller blades, thinking that this will be great, I really want to work out more outdoors, but don't want to/can't do anything that's going to pound on my blown out knees. Mind you I haven't been on any kind of skates in almost 20 years. This idea of mine, well, lets just say, is about as smart as a box of hair!
On my first outing (cloaked from embarrassment by the safety of the darkness) this evening, I didn't even make it down my front walk to the sidewalk before wiping out and landing not just flat on my ass, but I seem to have stopped my fall with my right wrist. Seems my front walk has a bit more of a slant to it than I had anticipated. I got up, shook it off, and skate walked, if you can call it that, just working on my balance to the end of the block, turned around and made it back home without falling again. I don't think I did any serious damage to my wrist but it's not feeling so great, no bruises or scrapes or anything like that, just really sore and somewhat swollen. I won't let this little injury stop me from learning how to do this, but I think I'll let it heal up a bit before I try skating again. Worst comes to worst, I can always get some skates with 4 wheels. And maybe once my knees start feeling better, I'll get that bike I've been thinking about. At the rate I'm going though with re-learning all the things I used to do with ease, I might want to find a bike with training wheels :o) I'm off to ice and wrap my wrist and try and get some sleep.
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