My dog ate my lunch bag... no seriously, almost the whole thing. Kinsey munched her way through the remnants of my lunch while I was in the shower tonight. 1 Whole plum (yep pit and all) 2 Blow Pops (trying not to smoke dontchaknow?) and a half a baggie of Kashi cereal. I managed to catch her before she dove into my crystal light to go packs (that would have been messy). And where does she consume all my lunch goodies?? Why on my bed of course. Time to change the bed, yet again. Crazy little monster. But I love her to bits. When it comes to her continuously chomping on things, she's all Lab!
On a good note, Craig is on his way home early. Sadly it's not because of good circumstances, but at least I'll have my honey home soon! I've missed him terribly!
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