Friday, August 24, 2007

Right Now

Right now it's 12:24 am. I should be sleeping, but right now I'm rethinking my 4pm Starbucks jaunt. Right now I'm realizing that my body can't process things like caffeine the way it used to and maybe this is a sign of my growing older. Right now, I'm wishing I wasn't feeling so scatter brained and could actually sit and get these thoughts whirling through my head gathered into one place and do something productive with them. (Besides writing this blog). Right now I'm feeling very puffy and bloated from dinner, yep hit the drive though, a big no no the night before Weight Watchers. More proof of my body not being able to process things the way it used to. Right now, I'm thinking maybe it wasn't the best idea to take a second water pill for the day (for my high blood pressure, hmmm another sign perhaps) to relieve this horrible swollen puffy feeling I have from my head to my toes, because I'll probably not sleep well (if I can ever get to sleep in the first place) because I'll be up running to the potty all night. Right now, Amber is laying on the floor like the Queen of Sheba, demanding attention from Nova in the best way she knows how, while he's sitting chewing on my shoelace, blatantly ignoring her purrs. Right now, Kinsey is camped out in the bedroom, even she knows it's past bed time. Right now, I'm looking around my apartment, in dire need of a deep cleaning, and feeling it's cluttered and somewhat chaotic, but I'm not inspired or motivated enough to do anything about it at this moment. Right now my foot is itching like crazy from where I've gotten bug bites from evening walks with Kinsey in the wet grass. Right now I'm yawning, could the Valerian be kicking in, finally? Maybe I'll make it to sleep soon after all. Right now I'm wondering if "right now" is just so boring in the grand scheme of things that it's making me yawn? Right now I'm thinking I'm going to putter around online till I'm ready to drift off to sleep.

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